RE php 8.2 new event

Join us on 04/12/2025

RE php 8.2 new event Race Description

- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/api/users` (`APPPATH/classes/View/Modules/Admin/Api/User.php:6`):** Clicking 'Add User' throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Modules_Admin_Api_User::$api_user_id` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/dev/start-proxy` (`resert/classes/SsoUser.php:51`):** Visiting any page while in a proxied session throws "ErrorException [ 8192 ]: Creation of dynamic property `SsoUser::$proxy_user` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/pos/add-item`, `/admin/pos/edit-item/<id>` (`resert/classes/View/Admin/Pos/Item/Add.php:7`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Admin_Pos_Item_Add::$is_edit` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/pos/add-category` (`resert/classes/View/Admin/Pos/Category/Add.php:7`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Admin_Pos_Category_Add::$is_edit` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/pos/edit-category/<id>` (`resert/classes/View/Admin/Pos/Category/Add.php:11`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Admin_Pos_Category_Add::$is_edit` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/pos/fulfillment` (`resert/classes/View/Admin/Pos/Fulfillment.php:14`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Admin_Pos_Fulfillment::$order_id` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/pos/audit` (`resert/classes/View/Admin/Pos/Audit.php:6`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Admin_Pos_Audit::$pos_categories` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/contact-us`:** Submitting the form seems to just refresh the page, except the CSS no longer loads.
- ❌ **issue @ `/delete-account` (`resert/classes/Controller/RodeoTicket/MainDomain.php:369`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_RodeoTicket_DeleteAccount::$request_submitted` is deprecated"
- ❓ **potential issue @ `/salesrep/dashboard`:** Whenever the 'Mem Comm' column would be blank, it shows $0.00 instead
- ❌ **issue @ `/blog/articles` (`resert/classes/View/RodeoTicket/Blog/Public.php:14`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_RodeoTicket_Blog_Public::$search` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/blog/articles/<name>` (`resert/classes/View/RaceEntry/Blog/View.php:15`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_RaceEntry_Blog_View::$blog` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/release-notes` (`resert/classes/Controller/RodeoTicket/MainDomain.php:211`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_RodeoTicket_ReleaseNotes::$notes` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/documentation/softwareapi` (`resert/classes/View/Documentation/Softwareapi/RodeoTicket.php:11`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Documentation_Softwareapi_RodeoTicket::$cap_event_name` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/clubs/directory` (`resert/classes/View/RodeoTicket/Clubs/Directory.php:54`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_RodeoTicket_Clubs_Directory::$pages` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/photo/purchases` (`resert/classes/View/Modules/Photo/Order.php:11`):** Loading the modal that shows details for a specific order throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Modules_Photo_Order::$order_id` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/blogs/create` (`resert/classes/View/Admin/Blogs/Edit.php:6`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Admin_Blogs_Edit::$blog` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `<white-label>./partner/dashboard` (`resert/classes/View/Partner/Dashboard.php:23`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: View_Partner_Dashboard::$site_event_name` is deprecated"

- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/blogs/get-blog-report`:** Loading this report throws the following database error. This does not occur on `master`.

Database_Exception [ 23000 ]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'id' in order clause is ambiguous [
    SELECT CONCAT('<a href="/admin/blogs/edit/',, '">', ba.title,'</a>') AS title,
        ba.created_date AS created_date, AS category,
        MAX( AS site_name,
        CONCAT('<a href="/admin/blogs/delete/',,'" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure?\')" class="btn btn-danger">Delete</a>') AS delete_btn,
        CONCAT('<a href="http://test.', s.url, '.com/blog/articles/', ba.slug, '" class="btn btn-primary">View</a>') AS public_link
    FROM shared.blog_articles ba
    LEFT JOIN shared.blog_categories AS bc ON = ba.category_id
    LEFT JOIN shared.blog_article_tags bt ON = bt.blog_article_id
    LEFT JOIN shared.tags t ON = bt.tag_id
    LEFT JOIN shared.blog_article_sites bs ON bs.blog_article_id =
    LEFT JOIN shared.sites s ON = bs.site_id
    GROUP BY, s.url
    ORDER BY ba.created_date DESC, id
    LIMIT 25
    OFFSET 0

- ❌ **issue @ `/cron/email-event-creations` (`resert/classes/Controller/Cron.php:568`):** Running cron throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Event_Year_Email_Creationdigest::$events` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/cron/delete-files` (`resert/classes/S3.php:51`):** Running cron throws "`explode()`: Passing `null` to parameter #2 (`$string`) of type `string` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/<race|rodeo|event>/<event>/<year>/participants/manage/view/<id>` (`resert/classes/Controller/Event/Year/Participants/Manage.php:715`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Event_Year_Participants_View::$reg_setting` is deprecated"
- ❓ **potential issue @ `/crm/*`:** 'BDR Dashboard' is shown in place of 'My Races' in the top navbar
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/bdrs/dashboard` (`resert/classes/View/Bdrs/Dashboard.php:11`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Bdrs_Dashboard::$user_name` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/maps/create` (`resert/classes/Controller/Event/Map.php:149`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Event_Map_Edit::$is_user` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/crm/email/new`:** Page fails to load with an empty 500. This error is not logged either.
- ❌ **issue @ `/advertising/event/get-price-options` (`resert/classes/View/Advertising/Events/Options.php:7`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Advertising_Events_Options::$monthly_price` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/<event>/<race|rodeo|event>-information` (`resert/classes/View/Marketing/Index.php:101`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Marketing_Index::$site_key` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/<races|rodeos|events>/<event>/<year>/register` (`resert/classes/View/Events/Registration/Register/Register.php:53`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Marketing_Index::$site_key` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/<races|rodeos|events>/<event>/<year>/fundraising/charity/charity/<charity-url>` (`resert/classes/CharityController.php:30`):** Loading page throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `Controller_Events_Fundraising_Charity::$fund_auth` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/advertising/timer/purchase` (`resert/classes/View/Advertising/Timers/Options.php:7`):** Filling out the form throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Advertising_Timers_Options::$monthly_price` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/advertising/resource/purchase` (`resert/classes/View/Advertising/Resources/Options.php:7`):** Filling out the form throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Advertising_Resources_Options::$monthly_price` is deprecated"
- ❓ **potential issue @ `/admin/funds*`:** Disbursement notes appear in a different order than `master`
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/funds` (`resert/classes/View/Email/Disbursement/Event.php:19`):** Submitting a negative disbursement amount throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: Creation of dynamic property `View_Email_Disbursement_Event::$actual_amount` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/tags` (`resert/classes/View/Admin/Tags/Edit.php:156`):** Clicking 'Add Page' after editing a page opens the modal to edit that page instead of creating a new one. Clicking 'Add Page' without previously editing a page instead throws "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: `str_replace()`: Passing `null` to parameter #3 (`$subject`) of type `array|string` is deprecated"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/partners` (`resert/classes/Model/White/Label.php:79`):** Creating a white label with a subdomain that is exactly 32 characters long fails with "ErrorException [ Deprecated ]: `base64_decode()`: Passing `null` to parameter #1 (`$string`) of type `string` is deprecated"

- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/ads/get-ad-stats-report`:** Loading this report throws the following database error. This does not occur on `master`.

Database_Exception [ 23000 ]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'id' in order clause is ambiguous [
    SELECT ad_types.type AS ad_type,
        ad_shapes.shape AS ad_shape, AS ad_name, AS date,
        ad_stats.impressions AS impressions,
        ad_stats.clicks AS clicks,
        ad_stats.conversions AS conversions
    FROM ads
    JOIN ad_shapes ON ads.ad_shape_id =
    JOIN ad_types ON ads.ad_type_id =
    JOIN ad_stats ON ad_stats.ad_id =
    WHERE > 0 AND ad_type_id > 0
    LIMIT 25
    OFFSET 0

# Pre-existing issues found while testing this

- ❌ **issue @ `/cron/clean-ticket-carts`:** Running cron throws database exception:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1217 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails [ 
    DELETE FROM orders
    WHERE IN (
        5117287, 5117288, 5117289, 5117290, 5117291, 5117293, 5117295, 5117306, 5117310, 5117313, 5117314, 5117318, 5117320,
        5117323, 5117331, 5117332, 5117333, 5117334, 5117335, 5117336, 5117337, 5117338, 5117339, 5117340, 5117341, 5117342,
        5117343, 5117344, 5117345, 5117346, 5117347, 5117348, 5117349, 5117350, 5117351, 5117352, 5117353, 5117354, 5117357,
        5117363, 5117364, 5117365, 5117366, 5117367, 5117368, 5117373, 5117374, 5117375, 5117377, 5117378, 5117379, 5117380,
        5117387, 5117409, 5117412, 5117413, 5117424, 5117425, 5117430, 5117432, 5117448, 5117463, 5117499, 5768553, 5768554,
        5768581, 5768582, 5768583, 5768584, 5768585, 5768586, 5768598, 5768599, 5768600, 5768601, 5768602, 5768603, 5768672,
        5768673, 5768674, 5768675, 5768676, 5768680, 5768681, 5768682, 5768683, 5768684, 5768685, 5768686, 5768688, 5768689,
        5768690, 5768691, 5768692, 5768693, 5768694, 5768696, 5768698, 5768699, 5768700, 5768701, 5768702, 5768703, 5768727,
        5768728, 5768729, 5768730, 5768731, 5768741, 5768742, 5768753, 5768754, 5768755, 5768756, 5768757, 5768758, 5768759,
        5768760, 5768761, 5768764, 5768769, 5768770, 5768771, 5768772, 5768773, 5768774, 5768775, 5768781, 5768782, 5768783,
        5768790, 5768979, 5768980, 5769018, 5769020, 5769022, 5769026, 5769027, 5769028, 5769035, 5769049, 5769096, 5769106,
        5769107, 5769108, 5769109, 5769110, 5769111, 5769114, 5769115, 5769118, 5769119, 5769120, 5769121, 5769122, 5769123,
        5769124, 5769125, 5769126, 5769127, 5769128, 5769129, 5769130, 5769131, 5769132, 5769133, 5769134, 5769135, 5769136,
        5769137, 5769138, 5769139, 5769140, 5769141, 5769142, 5769143, 5769144, 5769145, 5769147, 5769148, 5769149, 5769150,
        5769151, 5769152, 5769154, 5769155, 5769167, 5769169, 5769173, 5769174, 5769176, 5769179, 5769180, 5769190, 5978195,
        5978196, 5978197, 5978198, 5978199, 5978200, 5978204, 5978205, 5978206, 5978207, 5978208, 5978209, 5978215, 5978216,
        5978217, 5978218, 5978219, 5978230, 5978231, 5978232, 5988247, 5988251, 5988252, 5988253, 6189763, 6189778, 6189779,
        6189780, 6189800, 6189803, 6189809, 6189810, 6189812, 6189813, 6189814, 6189815, 6189816, 6189817, 6189819, 6189820,
        6189823, 6189825, 6189826, 6189827, 6189829, 6189830, 6189833, 6189834, 6190750, 6190769, 6190792, 6190793, 6190794,
        6190795, 6190796, 6190800, 6190801, 6190802, 6190810, 6190811, 6190812, 6190836, 6190837, 6190838, 6190840, 6190841,
        6190842, 6190849, 6190850, 6190851, 6190852, 6190853, 6190854, 6190856, 6190857, 6290903, 6290923, 6290925, 6290928,
        6290931, 6290932, 6290962, 6290972, 6290973, 6292977, 6292986, 6292987, 6292991, 6293181, 6293200, 6293201, 6293292,
        6293302, 6293305, 6293312, 6293313
    AND orders.type_id IN (9, 11, 12, 18, 21, 23)
    AND orders.billing_email IS NULL

- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/promos`:** Clicking on 'Add Promo' or the 'Uses' amount or 'Edit' button of a promo throws a 404. None of these buttons work.
- ❌ **issue @ `/timer/create`:** Validation errors are not shown to the user, locking the 'Loading...' modal open forever. This makes it impossible to correct mistakes.
- ❌ **issue @ `/timer/create`:** Submitting valid information still throws "`errors: { folder: "folder must not be empty", name: "Please enter a name" }`". There's nothing in the UI that has anything to do with "folder", so I have no idea what this is.

- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/taxes` (`resert/classes/Controller/Admin/Taxes.php:107`):** Adding a new marketplace state throws "ErrorException [ Warning ]: Trying to access array offset on value of type `null`" (issue might be in `Model_Marketplace_Tax::validate_state_information()`?)

103     $post_data = $this->request->post();
105     $result = Model_Marketplace_Tax::validate_state_information($post_data);
107     if ($result['error']) {
108         $this->response->status(400);
109         $this->response->body(json_encode($result));
110         return;
111     }

- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/adsales/edit-ad?id=Resource_59`:** This particular resource (All In Pro Rodeos) can't load due to a database exception: 

Database_Exception [ 42S22 ]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'sap.is_canadasap.service_id' in 'field list' [
        IF(sap.is_canada, 'can', sap.state_id) AS state_id,
        IFNULL(, IF(sap.is_canada, 'Canada', IF( IS NULL, 'All Resources Page', AS name,
        sap.is_canadasap.service_id = 1 AS selected
    FROM state_service_ad_prices AS sap
    LEFT JOIN shared.states AS s ON = sap.state_id
    LEFT JOIN services AS sv ON = sap.service_id

- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/adsales/edit-ad` (`resert/classes/Controller/Admin/Adsales.php:38`):** Attempting to save POSTs to `/admin/adsales/save_resource`, which throws "ErrorException [ Warning ]: Undefined array key `"date_available"`"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/ads`:** It is possible to trick the adsense/gift card ratio into invalid states by using scientific notation (I currently have a ratio of 100:99 by entering "1e4")
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/ads`:** It is possible to save a change interval of 0 minutes
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/partners` (`resert/classes/Controller/Admin/Partners.php:360`):** Attempting to save changes to a white label POSTs to `/admin/partners/save`, which if 'Company Name' or 'Subdomain' has been changed throws "ErrorException [ Warning ]: Trying to access array offset on value of type `int`"
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/partners`:** Enabling/disabling a white label does not update the button until the page is refreshed.
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/partners`:** Creating a white label with a subdomain that is too long (>32ch) fails with the incorrect reason that that subdomain already exists. It should be informing the user that the name is too long and must be 32 characters or less.
  - ❌ This input field should have a `maxlength=32` attribute to help prevent this.
- ❌ **issue @ `/admin/TimerAds`:** This page throws a db exception "Table '`rodeo_ticket.timers`' doesn't exist" instead of throwing a 404, which it should be doing if the page is specific to Race Entry. This occurs on Stride Events as well.

Get ready for the RE php 8.2 new event

Race Countdown

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add race to calendar    Add to my calendar 2025-04-12 13:17:00 2025-04-12 13:17:00 America/New_York RE php 8.2 new event Schenectady, NY ian sannar

    RE php 8.2 new event Where & When

  • Location: Schenectady, NY 12345
  • Race Date: 2025/04/12 01:17:00 PM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • smack the story
    • password

RE php 8.2 new event Sponsors

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Schenectady, NY Weather

Schenectady, NY current weather
  • Clouds 69.2℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the RE php 8.2 new event in April for a great race. The RE php 8.2 new event works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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